THE PEAC System® Decoding Entry

Instructions: You must have the code that was emailed to you from the evaluatee's process, as well as your Client ID. This is handled at the server and is not the evaluatee's responsibility, except when they do not put YOUR proper ID in the form. Using the invitation button on the homepage alleviates this problem. If this profile is unpaid, you will be sent to the PayPal payment page, then returned to a quick login and on to the report. Misplaced the emailed code? Check here to retrieve any of your lost codes, either paid or unpaid. Login and choose your purpose.
If all of this should fail, text 813-751-6759 for support.
          If you receive a NOT FOUND message, reenter your code. It is best to copy this from your email and paste into the form. All case, space and characters matter. This prevents errors, as it is a direct match for the database. When you receive the profile graph for this profile, verify it is the correct one, then print it for your records. Keep the paperwork: Only the graph and the basic report on file for one year. This is an EEOC requirement. The extra report is for your files.
          ATTENTION: At this fee level, this is an a la carte program, which means you will pay as you go. Remember, those that have comfortable experience with the PEAC SYSTEM will seldom need a Read, and this discount amount and quick service will serve you well. When Readers are available, there is an additional fee of just $35.00 for the service, paid to the Reader. Read on.
          While Readers are still available, if you have less than twenty units under your belt, you should, at minimum, print and read the extra pages on the link 'more' at the bottom of the graph page. Depending upon availability of personnel, purchase time with a Reader. Your Reader is a consultant and is paid directly. Instructions will follow. Those with a history in our program already have a Reader assigned and again, payment is made directly to them and/or their company through PayPal on a separate link.