Logo Peac System®


It is important to administer the evaluation properly. Improper administration will result in low consistencies and may, if far enough off, invalidate the results. We at the PEAC SYSTEM® firmly believe that you should use the results of the evaluation to improve management and training for success. The PEAC SYSTEM® is only available to candidates for evaluation by invitation. That invitation contains the proper keys to enter the assessment, but also, it provides the above theme about becoming successful through tailoring training and management to the profile of the individual. This provides a carrot for being as open and honest as possible, without telling them that, and provides more trustworthy results.

HOWEVER- How about in office, on the spot administration?

Have a windows machine, that is as a desktop or laptop, available nearby. Do not use tablets or phones, the assessment is too bulky to run on small sets, or on apple equipment. Set the individual at the desk and follow the instructions -The wording on the invitation form should be printed out and kept in the posession of those assigned to administer the evaluation: "Should we bring you on board, we will do our best to train you to success. We do that by understanding your communication style. Take this evaluation for me and let me know when you are finished."

Time and time again, when our client has low consistencies showing up too often, it may be that the duty of assigning the evaluation has been turned over to someone not trained to administer it. 'Consistencies' are derived in a logarithmic scale, which means with consistencies 70% and above, the errors are negligible. Below, the accuracy drops away quickly! Anything less than 65% points to either an attempt to mask their own known weakness, or an instinctive attempt to improve it. Or, sometimes, unfamiliar with the English language. The evaluation is intended for at minimum, high school graduates with strong English language backgrounds. Sometimes, those with English as a second language may have accuracy difficulties.

Although this is not a timed evaluation, it has shown that the individual's browser will drop the connection after several minutes, and the candidate must start over! Help them and those you assign or invite to do it properly!

ONLINE- Convenient, quick and accurate as they want to be...

The new invitation system will help prevent innaccurate administration, and no one should tell a potential candidate how much time it takes, or to be honest, or anything other than that statement on the invitation. If a candidate complains they are dropped after say, twenty minutes, you may already have your answer. It has happened. Away for a smoke or a drink, whatever, is not a good sign, right?

With our automated system, you must first register, a momentary process, then you are an a la carte client. Your candidate's results will come quickly, all dependent on the email flow at the moment. When you, as a registered member, choose to administer an evaluation, you will be given a unique permission key each time. This prevents fraudulent use of our system or your account. It is recommended that you retain control of administration, payment and such. Putting this in the hands of, say, HR, will too often result in a day or more delay. Derive the benefit by doing it under your own purview and expense the corporation, if applicable.

The Law!- In the USA, EEOC has requirements...

REMEMBER: it is illegal to use the results of any communication style, personality or other evaluation (and that includes online) in the decision to SEE an individual. Your length of time invested may be your decision, but do not screen people based on any evaluation! If, for some reason, the applicant does not make the interview appointment, be sure to put the PRINTED clean graphic page and the BASIC SELF report in a folder with his or her resume, should you have one.Mark it NO SHOW if they failed to come in. You must keep such paperwork under the law of your country, state or local authority. USA = EEOC, kept on file for one year... effective 2020, and as always, subject to change. It is your responsibility to follow the law.