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Why take ninety days to figure them out? We can do it for you in one! 
And we can do it before you even commit to hire!

Our value to you: A PREMIER EVALUATION SYSTEM for selection, hiring, training and management! Before or sometimes long after the hire!
However, if you know them on day one, you can start the proper training focused on their strengths and weaknesses.


If your concern is solely about the evaluation process, please see our Frequently Asked Questions page, which will save you time sorting through this site of many pages! Or, if your concern is solely about the EEOC, please check out our EEOC Page!


As your Partner in Success, we provide a complete strategy for selection, hiring, training and management. With well over two decades of helping companies like yours prosper with strategic growth, we have the history and the tools to help you, too! And at surprisingly lower investment than a typical power consulting firm! From administrative levels to upper management, selection to management guidance, we're your source. And, we are specialists in the sales industries of Personnel Services-  followed by Real Estate Insurance -  and all Product Sales. Each of these have their special problems- select yours to find out. In addition in the mixed field of consulting and counselors, we find admin and support. Customer Service- which includes Counselors, Finanacial and Business Advisors. Admin Support. These, too, need help... Finally, in the technical arenas of IT, Engineering and such behind the scenes SYSTEM Oriented styles, we have many clients that have stayed with us faithfully, as the Peac System® evaluates to any position, along with the information and guidance to manage such profiles.


      Though there are hundreds of evaluation systems out there, from $5.00 quickies we call games and party style, all the way to $1000 or more psychological examination processes, all provide some kind of direction. But the pitfalls are many, even at the higher prices. Our Peac System® gives you what you need to hire, train and manage a profile, in a timely, and accurate manner, plus optional verbal assistance (A Read) to make sure you understand it- and all of this at a very sensible investment! Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.


      Dynamo or laid back? The extremes are easy. The position for which you may be hiring will dictate your need. We can help you find it. No other evaluation at this price can compare to the accuracy and the targeted information you receive about your candidate. A five to seven minute online evaluation, the keys to the automated results in this program are back to you in mere minutes, pending internet and your system status. Pay the tab, in just minutes and receive the graph and all written explanations to the depth you need. Initial reports are written and the optional verbal assistance is available within 24 hours, often same day.
      The optional READING is a mini-consulting session for every evaluated potential hire, helping you to learn the candidate's strengths and weaknesses, the secrets to hiring strong people, and the things you might want to look into before you make that hire! In addition, it takes about twenty or so reads to begin to spot the weaknesses and the potential in a profile on your own. Still, it is recommended for those first twenty to perhaps fifty, you accept the help of the Reader to make sure you are semi 'trained' to handle them on your own.  Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.


      With most yes-no, true-false evaluations, the results aren't much better than a dartboard, when it comes to selection. You can easily be led into misconceptions by 'mood orientation,' that tendency to reply based on 'the moment.' A great party game, but not much use for the reality of employment, training and management. Our Peac System® evaluation allows five level selection, creating a very limited 'mood swing', a common problem with the lesser designed word association type of evaluation. Not ours. It also, if needed, provides professional hardcopy for the candidate to have and to hold, which is an EEOC requirement. They get a clean graph, no notes, and the Basic Self Printout. That is it. Then, our optional READ, highly recommended for those you seriously expect to hire, especially important if you have been with the PEAC for less than a year, is a verbal report that goes in depth and on target. There are certain things you need to know, and they are critical to the successful training and management of your new hire. We make it a point to provide what you need, on focus and effective! Check out our  Frequently Asked Questions.


    THE PEAC SYSTEM®: Natural behaviors; instinct; communication style; basic and facade personality traits. You must know and train to the inner self, not the changeable facade!  This initial evaluation is required before or in conjunction with Reads or Consulting Sessions©, as expected. Discussions about a particular profile, or your own strengths and weaknesses dictates having the report in hand...
    Natural behaviors are instinct. You will learn eventually, if not already caught up, that instinct is far easier to train performance and tasks, than background in your own industry. The PEAC System® evaluation helps with that. You can overlay your industry easily on the right profiles. Not so much the other way around...

FREE online information brochure to print!




Intangible sales positions are often paid with minimum base or salary, yet the combined costs of this and lost goodwill, burned bridges and turnover expense is high, indeed. Estimates run $7,000 to $10,000 per lost consultant, slightly less in the temp world, but not much! The hidden costs of hiring the wrong people are almost incalculable, and the sad part is that you won't even see it! Though it's true that anyone can be trained to do anything... given enough time and money, the real question is how much can you afford to spend...or lose! In comparison to these costs, our Peac System® family is a small, smart investment!




Intangible sales, often paid with minimum base or salary, or even pure commission, carries an unhealthy misunderstanding: "These people cost nothing, so I can just run through them until I find the right one!" WRONG! The hidden costs of hiring the wrong people are almost incalculable, and the sad part is that you won't even see it! Lost sales, lost goodwill, bad reputation, all come in the wake of one poor or dishonest employee! Though anyone can be trained to do anything... given enough time and money...the real question is how much can you afford to spend...or lose? In comparison to these costs, our Peac System® family is a small, smart investment!




Good closers are rarely born, they are most often made in the product sales industry. However, there are certain personality types whose very instincts make them natural closers, at least, familiar with getting their own way in a diplomatic, friendly and logical fashion. Since they have practiced since early childhood, it takes minimal investment in your time and money to bring these profiles up to speed. It makes sense to know what amount of time and money may be required, before you commit to the hire. Here, too, our instrument is a very smart investment!



Like the intangible sales arena of insurance, agents are often paid with no salary, most often pure commission, and this carries an unhealthy misunderstanding: "These people cost nothing, so I can just run through them until I find the right one!" WRONG! The hidden costs of hiring the wrong people are almost incalculable, and the sad part is that you won't even see it! Lost sales, lost goodwill, bad reputation, all come in the wake of one poor or dishonest employee! In comparison to these hidden and incidental costs, our Peac System® is a low cost, smart investment!


CUSTOMER SERVICE-including Counselors, Advisors

Because these people are not always measured in terms of revenues in or dollars saved, it is often difficult to assess the damage the poor hire can do. Like Intangible Sales, the hidden costs of goodwill and client relationships can be high, when handled by poor Customer Service people. You want those who aim to please, with an eye to not giving away the store, right? In comparison to these hidden and often incidental costs, our Peac System® is a very smart investment!





      You want them to be helpful, reasonably friendly, and probably not with the desire to 'rule the world.' They are often slightly more 'systems' oriented than people oriented. However, an admin with front desk responsibilities, and all counselors and advisors need the people side to stand out, too. Our evaluation can help you find the proper inner profile. The outer one needs a job. The inner one is the one you will have to live with. And sometimes, it shows.
      You need to be aware that these front line people can be very much in charge of client development, sometimes, just by attitude. Lost sales, lost goodwill, bad reputation, all come in the wake of one poor employee! In comparison to these sometimes incidental and hidden costs, our assessment is a quality, sensible investment.



There is a distinct difference, but with a caveat or two...

      Systems people are almost always content to lock themselves in an office, work the computer to death and are well rewarded for good work. However, add in a management component, or the occasional interface with clients and customers, and there can be problems you may not even see until too late. Lost business, less repeat business, lost goodwill, bad reputation, all come in the wake of one poor employee who does not do well with people, working from the back room! In comparison to these sometimes incidental and hidden costs, our assessment is a quality, sensible investment.

Email us at peacnet@peacsystem.com to obtain more information.
Last Revised: 4-20-2020
Copyright ©1997-2020 THE Peac System®, INC.
All rights reserved.