Why do we lose good people?
       Any decent seminar leader, in almost any industry, can tell you the answer to that one. Four reasons, wrong hire, improper or no training, improper or wrong management process, and other. That last one is a killer. Years ago, a fellow by the name of Steve Brown had a list of people you should not hire. He had five criteria at the top of that list that have proven to be true throughout my thirty plus years helping companies grow and be productive. They were:
        1. Recent divorce not finalized, or finalized within the last six months. You can ask how a person's 'family' feels about this career pursuit, but you cannot ask about spouse or children...
        2. Recent death of a loved one. The grieving process takes well over six months before an individual begins to regain his or her former energy. Prior to that, that same process sucks the energy right out of them...
        3. Recent loss of an executive position. Especially if not of their choosing. Recent, again, being within six months. This puts the executive in an awkward position of near desperation for a job, any job, and you may well be only a temporary landing place.
        4. Hand in hand with 3, above, is the tendency of upper level execs, or anyone else, to look down on the position you are offering. If they do not respect the position, they do not respect you, or the industry, and turnover is almost guaranteed.
        5. Recent addictive problems, from drinking to drugs and such. Rehab does not cure, it gives them a supporting ledge to cling to, but under pressure, many fall right off. And yes, we have a pressure filled environment.

       So, sound familiar? My Readers and I do our best to warn you, but we cannot tell you to hire or not. But it is often with regret that we learn one of our clients took a chance, and lost another potentially good hire.
       Speaking of hiring, we help in every way you will let us, from PEAC System® evaluations, to Online Training, and Reader Consulting. So, we can help with the first issue, hiring the right people.
       The most important one, Training, is an area that I have worked in for these past three decades, overlaying a formula for success over some rather difficult profiles, in many cases, and have seen them succeed. But it takes management participation or it will not stick. Here is the best thought for training. I am semi-retired, and as most of you know, I no longer do seminars and in-house programs. Our Online Training is proving quite popular, a program where for a one time fee, for each segment, or for the whole package, you may train locally in a conference room, or remote over the phone with the website open in front of both of you... or up to the number of people your package purpose allows. With management support, that is beginning to show the same tendency toward success. If you need more information, see our Online Training.
       Management, however, is more piecemeal, learned in the PEACS you run, and listening to your Reader. My Readers have well over two decades at this and have gotten pretty sharp with the right suggestions. But, you cannot pick their brain too far off the track in one read. For that, we have Consulting Sessions�, a paid hour program.
       There is a less expensive, DIY system avalailable, too. If you would like an in-hand guide, click the header above to check out my new Guide to Successful Hiring in the Personnel Services Industry. It is full of tips and tricks and many optional tools that can make a difference!

Avid reader? Lots to choose at  See me at Amazon or Kindle

George W. Tucker, MS
Finding 'Em, Training 'Em and Keeping 'Em
(941) 297-9197
peacnet@peacsystem.com Author/Developer:  

| The PEAC SYSTEM� |Online Training |
The Guide to Successful Hiring in the Personnel Services Arena|
(Click for information)