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THIS IS THE PAYMENT PAGE for PAYPAL or through PayPal with a Credit Card 

     This will save you much time if you register for a paypal account. Then, you simply go from the button below, accept login with your password and quick pay! Else, tediously enter your CC number every time...Do not close your browser until you have your graph and your reports printed. Once you have the long code, you can pull it up anytime. Do not lose the long code. EEOC requires you keep reports for one year. Most clients save it in a simple, cumulative, word processing file for easy retrieval. You should likewise save the encoded number you received... just in case. You can, however, call them up, listing paid or unpaid through our system database utilities. To access those utilities, you will login here and choose your purpose. There, you can look up paid or unpaid Peacs and recover long or short codes as needed.
      If you have paid and have the short code? OR you have the long code?   Click on the appropriate link to recover the report! PayPal accepts almost all credit cards and then pays us! We do not accept credit cards directly! Be certain to print and hold onto your PayPal receipt.

     Basic automated service is $85.00 USD with very quick return of the code to retrieve online reports to print. Time depends on the email system and time of day (bandwidth). The internet, despite our fondest wish, is not infallable. This is an immense savings from the historic rate, and the return is much faster. If you need a Read, it is handled for an additional, reasonable fee, under our contract Reader (when available) program- These are contracted professionals and not always available in a timely manner.
     INFORMATION: Most of our clients, over our 35+ year span can read these profiles almost as well as our Readers. However, if you are new in the Peac System Family, you may need a Read to help you understand the how and why in building successful people and teams. There is an a Read is paid to the Reader, who is a contract consultant, a fee of just $35.00to be paid before the Read and by appointment with a Reader (when available). If you are pursuing and planning on hiring a profile, it might be important to invest in the Reading, especially if there are any unanswered questions. However, Readers are people. They come and go, retire and so on, and sometimes there are none working with us at any particular time. If such is the case, this is the ideal page to learn all about understanding the PEAC System®. Additionally, and far more valuable, check out our Guide to Successful Hiring in the Personnel Services Arena. (Paid through GSIServices, our inhouse publisher) This is an extremely valuable step by step guide, in depth. For a moderate fee, you will learn all I have shared over nearly four decades years with in-house programs. Desk level and management, franchises and large corporations. In areas outside of the staffing world, there is more than enough tips and tricks to increase revenue, efficiency, and make a manager's life more fun!
     In addition, when you receive the graph page, note at the very bottom is the word, 'more...'. Click on it to receive the same deeper explanation reports. Time wisely spent in printing and reading this can help to make or save you thousands of dollars!

Questions? 941-297-9197 Email: peacnet@peacsystem.com